DLOG_3002_Registration.txt Bounds: x1=28, y1=62, x2=434, y2=343 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 3002 Title: 'Registration' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_3001_License Code.txt Bounds: x1=44, y1=54, x2=376, y2=170 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 3001 Title: 'License Code' DLOG_3000_Register.txt Bounds: x1=42, y1=56, x2=460, y2=342 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 3000 Title: 'Please Register...' DLOG_2001_Generate at dialog.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=348, y2=237 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 2001 Title: '' DLOG_2000_Export as dialog.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=305, y2=256 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 2000 Title: '' DLOG_1018_Document info general.txt Bounds: x1=26, y1=58, x2=447, y2=189 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1018 Title: 'General' DLOG_1017_Ref Interface dialog.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=54, x2=385, y2=176 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1016 Title: 'Select interface to refer to:' DLOG_1016_Ref Class dialog.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=54, x2=385, y2=176 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1016 Title: 'Select class to refer to:' DLOG_1015_Code generation progress.txt Bounds: x1=62, y1=68, x2=415, y2=193 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1015 Title: 'Code generation' Auto position: 0x300A (use alert position on main screen) DLOG_1014_Parameter Data.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=48, x2=283, y2=167 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1014 Title: 'Parameter Data' DLOG_1013_Other Event Type.txt Bounds: x1=42, y1=94, x2=409, y2=188 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1013 Title: 'Other Event' DLOG_1012_Other State Type.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=52, x2=385, y2=146 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1012 Title: 'Other State' DLOG_1011_Other Thread Type.txt Bounds: x1=32, y1=62, x2=399, y2=156 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1011 Title: 'Other Thread' DLOG_1010_Other Data Type.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=52, x2=385, y2=146 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1010 Title: 'Other datatype' DLOG_1009_New View Set.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=54, x2=385, y2=176 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1009 Title: 'New View set' DLOG_1008_View Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=19, y1=57, x2=569, y2=395 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1008 Title: 'View Preferences' DLOG_1007_Add Datatype.txt Bounds: x1=112, y1=166, x2=363, y2=288 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1007 Title: 'New Datatype' DLOG_1006_Document info data types.txt Bounds: x1=26, y1=58, x2=447, y2=234 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1006 Title: 'Datatypes' DLOG_1005_Code Generation Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=46, x2=498, y2=256 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1005 Title: 'Code Generation Preferences' DLOG_1004_Get Template Files.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=398, y2=324 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1004 Title: '' DLOG_1003_Help.txt Bounds: x1=30, y1=77, x2=630, y2=457 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1003 Title: 'Help' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_1002_General Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=45, x2=469, y2=233 ProcID: 2080 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1002 Title: 'General Preferences' DLOG_1001_Align dialog.txt Bounds: x1=146, y1=86, x2=485, y2=274 ProcID: 2080 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1001 Title: 'Align' DLOG_1000_Class Dialog.txt Bounds: x1=70, y1=56, x2=360, y2=246 ProcID: 4 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1000 Title: 'Class:' DLOG_137_Startup picture.txt Bounds: x1=125, y1=136, x2=525, y2=316 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 137 Title: 'Progress' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen)